Best Practices for Employee Appreciation

Best Practices for Employee Appreciation

As HR leaders work hard to retain talent during a historic labor shortage, they are trying to show employee appreciation. At the HR Exchange Network Employee Engagement and Experience online event, Mary Shelley, Chief People Officer at Tango Card, shared best practices for rewarding employees to inform them of their value to the organization.

In the session, 5 Questions to Ask When Building an Employee Appreciation Strategy to Last, Shelley admitted there are challenges to creating a rewards program. In fact, a poll revealed that 31% of audience participants feel their inadequate budget is an obstacle. Nearly 30% said no organizational engagement was prohibitive when trying to launch a rewards program. Other problems included being time intensive (12.1%), too complicated (13.8%), or something else (13.8%).

Discover how to launch an employee appreciation program:

Start Small

Shelley suggests HR leaders come up with one thing they can do right now to move the needle. For instance, they could talk to employees to determine what kinds of rewards would motivate individuals on the team. The reward should be meaningful or else it won’t produce that sense of incentive.

“Learn about what each person finds motivating,” says Shelley.

Balance Informal and Formal Recognition

Sometimes people mistakenly believe that they have to invest a lot of money or time into offering a reward. But there are simpler ways to recognize colleagues for their hard work and dedication. For instance, some companies leave thank you cards out in the office, so peers can write them and deliver them to each other’s desk. It’s a small cost in time and money, and it can reap great rewards as Shelley, who has done this, attests.

Diversify Rewards

Offer different kinds of rewards to appeal to a larger group of people. To keep people engaged in the process, there should be different prizes to try and attain. As companies diversify rewards options, however, they should also be transparent.

“Employees and managers should know how to give and receive rewards,” says Shelley.

In other words, they should know exactly what is expected of them if they want to win rewards XYZ. Employees should also know how they could offer recognition to a colleague who has impressed them with their work.

Build in Anticipation

“Anticipation is everything,” says Shelley. In fact, some employees say the anticipation can be greater than the reward itself, she adds. Talk about what it will be like if a team or individual achieves the requirements to win the reward. Discuss the experiences of those who have won before to help others dream about it.


Automation is a great way to integrate rewards programs in hybrid and remote workplaces. For example, some companies have a “givekudos” Slack channel, where teammates can give shout outs to those who have done well or helped them, and they automatically get a $10 gift card.

Avoid Pitfalls

HR leaders can easily fall into common traps when doling out rewards. A big mistake is to just hand out rewards as a means of “checking the box,” warns Shelley. After all, people realize when something is given to them ingenuously.

Another error is making the program overcomplicated. Shelley shared the story of a colleague who created a rewards program with different levels and lots of qualifications. It was too cumbersome, and no one understood how to give or receive rewards. So, they had to pare it down and simplify.

Being one-dimensional without giving thought to all the possibilities is a pitfall that HR leaders can avoid by thinking outside the box. Overcompensating to make up for low appreciation scores is another way to defeat the purpose of a rewards program. Employees should feel special and appreciated.

Finally, employers should assess whether they are rewarding the correct behaviors. Shelley shares the story of a previous employer, who handed out awards to hard workers who had been burning the midnight oil. But the company included a value about maintaining work-life balance. It didn’t match with their mission, and it sent the wrong message.

By Francesca Di Meglio

Originally posted on HR Exchange Network

4 Ways Inflation and Higher Costs Impact HR

4 Ways Inflation and Higher Costs Impact HR

U.S. President Joe Biden recently laid out his plans to combat inflation and the high cost of living. The average family is spending an additional $327 per month compared to pre-pandemic costs, according to a CNN broadcast May 10. At the time, the national average price of gas was $4.37. While the Federal Reserve can do more to influence inflation than the President, his announcement is welcome because people are suffering and some economists believe a recession is looming.

Under normal circumstances, the economy can cause burdens for HR leaders. In this case, businesses are still confronting uncertainty that comes from an ongoing pandemic, war in Europe, and a labor shortage. This is not to mention a mental health crisis and increased obligations for employers when it comes to employee engagement and experience.

The first step in addressing the negative impact of the economy is being realistic about the current situation and understanding how it impacts HR:

Some Can’t Afford RTO

Many companies are finally deploying their return to office (RTO) plans from 2020. Employees and leadership are at odds, in many cases, about whether to return or continue to work from home. One of the arguments workers have about WFH is that it is cheaper.

Some employees are quitting because they cannot afford the commute or lunch costs that come with returning to the office. Childcare, which has always been a problem for working parents, is another huge expense. In some cases, people end up paying to work, and it becomes more affordable to quit. HR must keep this in mind when considering wages and salaries.

Compensation and Benefits Packages

During this time of historic labor shortage, HR leaders are reassessing their compensation and benefits packages because they want to be competitive. Employees have leverage and higher wages has been one of the most requested benefits for obvious reasons.

“The talent shortage has boosted pay, but not enough to keep up with inflation,” according to The New York Times. “Wages grew 5.6% in the last year.”

Another obstacle for HR professionals is that increasing offers for new hires ended up creating an uneven divide between them and their veteran counterparts. Now, in some cases, loyal employees who stayed with their employers are earning less than new hires. With this kind of inflation, they may be lured by the prospect of higher pay elsewhere, which could continue the cycle of the Great Resignation.

Budget Concerns

Money is obviously not going as far as it used to go. Therefore, HR professionals should worry that this economic reality could cause budget cuts. For now, 79% of corporate finance executives say their budgets will be larger in 2022 than in 2021, according to Billing Platforms annual 2022 Trends in Finance Survey. With inflation as high as it is, they should prepare for cuts at some point. This could mean fewer resources for learning and development, employee engagement and experience initiatives, compensation and benefits packages, and more.

Travel Constraints

At the moment, most headlines point to Americans’ desire to get back on the road and see people face to face for personal and professional meetings. However, with gas prices and inflation this high, many budget conscious employers may pull back on travel budgets.

The United States is also preparing to confront another surge in COVID-19 cases. RTO poses risks, especially for vulnerable employees with comorbodities or those who live with at-risk people. In addition, parents of children under 5, who are not yet eligible for vaccination, have expressed concerns about both RTO and having to travel for work.


Every department in every business must face the reality of inflation and higher costs. HR is no exception. In the case of HR leaders, rising costs is a people problem. Employees will need more money to support their families and to make work valuable to them. In addition, the business itself will have to constrain spending in areas like travel and perks. Maybe those free lunches will have to stop.

Still, there are some solutions available to HR. Promoting people from within the company as opposed to hiring new employees is a way to save money and improve retention. Being transparent about the limitations on wage increases and offering other less expensive benefits to compensate are other ways to address the problem.

Of course, travel can be replaced with videoconferencing and digital events that can be conducted from home. HR leaders have had to stretch resources before and will certainly have to do it again in the future.

By Francesca Di Meglio

Originally posted on HR Exchange Network

5 Tips to Save Money on Health Care: Part 2

5 Tips to Save Money on Health Care: Part 2

Smart spending can keep your health care from costing an arm and a leg.  With costs rising on everything from gas to food, every penny counts. It pays to shop smart – that is why it helps to learn how to take steps to limit your out-of-pocket health care costs.

  1. Save Money on Prescriptions
  • Go generic – Always ask your doctor or pharmacist if you can switch to generic medicines. They have the same active ingredients but cost less than brand name drugs.
  • Split pills – ask your doctor or pharmacist if your prescription comes in a higher dose that is safe to split. You may be able to get a 2-month supply of medicine in double the dose that you need for the price of a 1-month supply, cutting your prescription cost in half.
  • Use a preferred pharmacy – A preferred pharmacy has pre-negotiated lower prices on prescriptions for a particular insurance plan. You can also sign up for home delivery on prescriptions that you take on a regular basis.
  1. Tune in to Telehealth

With telemedicine, you don’t have to drive to the doctor’s office or sit in a waiting room when you’re sick.  Virtual visits can be easier to fit into your busy schedule and you may not even have to arrange for childcare.  Doctors also can use telehealth appointments to lessen exposure to other people’s germs.

  1. Brush Up on HSA & FSA Eligible Expenses

You can withdraw HSA and FSA money tax-free to pay for deductibles and co-payments or coinsurance, as well as for a variety of other expenses including vision expenses and orthodontia.  You can also use it for everything from sunscreen and contact solution to baby monitors and over-the-counter medicine like Ibuprofen or cold medicine.

  1. Save for Retirement with Your HSA

HSA funds don’t expire which makes an HSA a great way to put away money for medical expenses in retirement.  An HSA offers a hat trick of tax advantages:

  • Contributions to your account are made pre-tax, lowering your taxable income today
  • Investments grow tax-free while they are kept in the account
  • Withdrawals are free of income tax, as long as you use the money for qualified medical expenses.

Age 65 is when you can use HSA money to pay for non-medical expenses – including day-to-day costs or for home renovations.  Those payouts aren’t tax-free but are taxed at the same rate as distributions from a traditional IRA.  You’ll simply owe income taxes on whatever you withdraw.

  1. Review Bills and Insurance Explanations of Benefits

Billing mistakes can happen.  In fact, did you know that up to 80% of medical bills contain at least one error?  Billing mistakes happen easily when dealing with large numbers of patients, ever-changing medical codes, and payments crossed in the mail and health insurance companies.

The portion of your budget devoted to medical care is always on the rise so it’s never a bad idea to find monetary shortcuts where you can.   Knowledge is POWER and when you spend time finding ways to save money on health care, you are empowering yourself!  Exercising due diligence to plan for you and your family’s medical needs will save you money and give you confidence in your decisions for care.

Benefits Education 101 for Employees

Benefits Education 101 for Employees

Companies spend a large amount of time and money creating valuable benefits plans for employees.  But after all that work, they often get low participation.  Good benefit choices require an effort from employers to ensure that employees have help in understanding their benefits options.  To make things even more complex, employers are having to consider options for a span of 4 generations in the workplace which can look very different.  Providing benefits for a multigenerational workplace can be challenging but it is important for employers to simplify the process by delivering education through the right channels while avoiding a one-size-fits-all approach.

Understanding your audience and how to effectively communicate with them is the first step in creating your benefits messaging. For example, what are the demographics of your workplace? Do you need to provide multiple messages across various channels? Does your workplace speak English, or will you need bilingual messaging?

A recent survey indicates that 83% of employers believe that communication, employee education and engagement are key for employee participation.

Here are 5 tips on educating your employees about their benefits to encourage benefits participation:

  1. Break Down Health Insurance Options
  • Distribute a simple guide that explains the key things employees should know about their health insurance and basic terminology
  • Explain in simple terms about provider network, covered prescriptions, monthly premiums, deductibles, and additional plan benefits, if applicable
  • Have an efficient way for employees to manage benefits and ask questions
  1. Automate the Process
  1. Make Plans Customizable
  • Provide plenty of benefits options including medical, dental and vision from leading carriers
  • Offer a lifestyle benefits program that allows employees to personalize their plan according to their needs
  • Consider offering perks like commuter benefits or health club memberships to reduce financial burdens and encourage a healthy lifestyle
  1. Provide Multiple Communication Strategies
  • Offer educational tools and channels preferred by employees so they can stay informed year-round to make better purchasing decisions
  • Utilize effective benefits education tools that include in-person and virtual meetings, digital communication or print media
  • You can utilize a short video to explain key concepts; use graphs and images or create short quizzes for employees to ensure they have read and understand the material
  1. Make it Easy to Sign-Up
  • Invest in updated HR and Benefits technology that includes easy message capabilities such as email, text message alerts, video support, and live chat integration
  • Provide a Benefits mobile app
  • Offer a benefits website which houses benefit information, HR information, and enrollment material such as “BenefitsEasy

Although you may use one or more of the tips above, it is vital to keep the information flowing throughout the year. A fun way to do this is to pose a monthly trivia question to your staff related to the benefits and wellness programs you offer and award a prize to the person who submits the correct answer. Highlighting different features of your benefits or wellness programs each month will keep your employees engaged and informed!


Generational Myths Part 3: Gen X

Generational Myths Part 3: Gen X

Today’s offices potentially span five full generations ranging from Generation Z to the Silent Generation. A coworker could just as easily be raised with a smart phone in hand as they could have used a typewriter at their first job. Some see differences between generational colleagues as an annoyance (“kids these days!”) and many rely on generational stereotypes as fact. Truth of that matter is that generational stereotypes have about as many holes in them as a piece of Swiss cheese. Current research questions the validity of generational stereotypes. This series uncovers top generational myths as a strategy to support a diverse and healthy employee population.

Next, we analyze the smallest generational group, born between 1965 and 1980: Generation X.

The top three myths of Gen X include:

  1. They are “risk takers.”

Some believe that this group is characterized as being reactionary and rebellious. In fact, Generation X keeps a much lower profile at work. This group was called “the forgotten generation” by Pew Research. Why? Because they are a smaller group smashed in between two larger generations (Millennials and Baby Boomers). Additionally, they are the generation least likely to be promoted at work. A 2018 Harvard Business Review study concluded that Millennials and Baby Boomers had received two or more promotions in the same period that 66% of Gen X received one or less. Gen X was raised hearing their parents complain about “work-life” balance. Truth is, they are the group most likely to be helping their children and parents in addition to work. This group is a reliable bunch who values loyalty.

  1. Gen X has a hard time relating to other generations in the workplace.

While some say that Gen X alienates other generations, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Nielsen research called Generation X the “most connected” generation. Technology adaption played a huge role in their ability to bridge the generations above and below them. Most were not introduced to technology until adulthood. This lack of computer access in their youth helps them relate to boomers in the office. At the same time, they share an excitement for technology with Millennials and lined up alongside them to get their first iPhones. Generation X are natural collaborators and often play the role of connector in the office.

  1. Their pessimism hurts them in the workplace.

Gen X has worked through several hefty recessions and watched their retirement accounts take devastating hits. Experian reports that Generation X carries more debt than other groups and data from the National Association of Realtors showed this generation more likely to be declined for homeowner loans. So, can you blame them for being cynical? However, a closer look uncovers a different story in the way this shows up at work. Generation X is savvy because of these hardships and surprisingly content. In fact, a Better Hire survey concluded that more than 50% of Generation X participants are happy at work. They show up with an entrepreneurial spirit, owning their own destiny.

In sum, Gen X values stability rather than risk in the workplace. They play an important connector role at work with colleagues and at home with their families. Gen X has “been there, done that” and uses these lessons to make work enjoyable. They are an important piece in the generational puzzle.

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