This edition of the J&D Alert COVID-19 Update will focus on the preparation for Return to Work. This process will vary by company, so we have gathered resources to accommodate a variety of employer situations.
Creating a Plan
Putting together a formal plan and keeping open lines of communication will help everyone transition safely and comfortably back to the workplace. The resources linked below offer different levels of detail, and one or both can provide a guide that best matches the complexity involved in preparing for the return of staff to your worksite.
Return to Work Checklist – ThinkHR
Creating a Return to Work Action Plan
Preparing a Safe Workplace
The post-pandemic office will look different, and health and safety issues will be a top priority.
Designing a Post-coronavirus Office
Post-Coronavirus Return to Work Cleaning Checklist
Return to Work – Updating the Office
CDC COVID-19 Guidance Documents
Bringing Employees Back to the Office
You may have placed staff on furlough or layoff, and are ready to bring some back to active status.
ThinkHR Quick Start Guide – Deciding Who to Recall from Furlough or Layoff
Employee Benefits
Employees that were laid off and terminated from health benefits will need to re-enroll by completing the necessary paperwork. Your Johnson & Dugan team can assist with questions about your specific situation.
Employee Communication
ThinkHR sample letters:
Recall from Furlough – Revised Offer Letter
Sample Employee Notice – Face Coverings
Staff Education
ThinkHR has set up a temporary Pandemic Response category in the Learn section of the site that will be available until June 30, 2020. Courses include:
- Leading Teams: Managing Virtual Teams
- Assessing Your Organization’s Risks
- Managing in a Crisis
- General Information: Coronavirus and COVID-19
To find the full listing of Pandemic Response courses, login to ThinkHR, click on the Learn tab then click on the Pandemic Response category. Course descriptions are available by clicking on the course name. The courses vary in length, with most lasting between 18 – 30 minutes.
There are also 2-minute HR: COVID-19 videos on a variety of related topics, located in the Coronavirus Resources page of ThinkHR. To find these videos, click the Comply tab, then select the COVID-19 section under Popular Tools. Also on this resource page are various federal agency resources and sample agreements and policies along with a variety of HR tools for managing the unique pandemic situation.
If you need assistance with your ThinkHR login, contact me or your Johnson & Dugan team.