Updated FAQs Related to FFCRA and CARES Act

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) from the Department of Labor (DOL), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and Department of the Treasury (Treasury) have recently been updated on the Department of Labor FAQ website. United Benefit Advisors (UBA) has released updated memos detailing the new guidance:

FAQs on Health Plan Coverage Under the FFCRA and the CARES Act 6_25_20

FAQs on Health Plan Coverage Under the FFCRA and the CARES Act Part 2 6_25_20


ThinkHR Pandemic Training Resources

ThinkHR has set up a temporary Pandemic Response category in the Learn section of the site. Courses include:

  • Leading Teams: Managing Virtual Teams
  • Assessing Your Organization’s Risks
  • Managing in a Crisis
  • General Information: Coronavirus and COVID-19

To find the full listing of Pandemic Response courses, login to ThinkHR, click on the Learn tab then click on the Pandemic Response category. Course descriptions are available by clicking on the course name. The courses vary in length, with most lasting between 18 – 30 minutes.

There are also 2-minute HR: COVID-19 videos on a variety of related topics, located in the Coronavirus Resources page of ThinkHR. To find these videos, click the Comply tab, then select the COVID-19 section under Popular Tools. Also housed on this resource page are various federal agency resources and sample agreements and policies along with a variety of HR tools for managing the unique pandemic situation.

If you need assistance with your ThinkHR login, contact me or your Johnson & Dugan team.


Miscellaneous Return to Work Resources

~ The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) recently issued updated guidance on COVID-19 and return to work. Click Here for the HRInsights article that highlights some of the frequently asked questions found in the guidance.

~ The Travelers has published a white paper, Emotional and social reintegration in the age of COVID-19 that covers how to consider the health needs of employees and how employers can positively impact their safety and well-being.

~ New COVID-19 Resources have been added to the Johnson & Dugan COVID-19 website and are listed below:

California Labor and Workforce Development Agency Resources: https://www.labor.ca.gov/coronavirus2019/

Centers for Disease Control (CDC) – What to do if you are sick: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/if-you-are-sick/steps-when-sick.html
